I have to say that starting a blog is not new to me. I've done it plenty of times on Facebook, Myspace and even Blogspot. But I wanted to narrow my focus down to a common theme rather than just post rants and raves. I'm not saying that this will not happen here...it will given time...but I want to focus on a broader subject than just myself.
I'm a transplanted Southern woman through and through. Being Southern in the South is not unique. Being in the Pacific Northwest as a Southern woman is not unique. I've met a few ladies that originally hail from south of the Mason Dixon line. But me being here is unique. You being where you are is unique. And so it is with that thought that I want to begin documenting my introduction and integration into Bend, Oregon.
I moved to Bend from Maumelle, Arkansas. I was born and raised in Calico Rock, Arkansas which is located roughly 2 hours north of Maumelle/Little Rock. It is a town of less than a thousand and I had the wonderful, and at times limiting, experiences of growing up in such a unique environment.
When I moved to Bend in August 2011 it was with great trepidation. I had never been west of Las Vegas. The farthest west I had actually resided for a time was in Mesquite, Texas. This was a brand new experience. Seeing the country as we slowly made our way in the UHaul and my truck was something that I both recommend to everyone and I also highly advise against doing. It is a LONG journey of little over 2000 miles.
The culture and sights here in Bend are unlike anything I have ever encountered before. The most obvious difference is the mountains. What an incredible sight! Living in the high desert is an experience unlike any other. It is much drier here. The sky is so clear at night and the stars shine with an incredible ferocity that is unparalled. I live in town and still have a view of the night sky that easily rivals that of my parent's front yard back in Arkansas.
Another quick oddity that has forever won me over? I don't have to pump my own gas! Yes...I do pay much more a gallon but man - I HATE pumping gas. I used to wait until the very last drop to stop and fill up, or I'd have my husband do it. Now I have gas station attendants that are just darlings.
I could go on and on about all the differences but I'll just stretch it out rather than pile it on all at once. I want to talk about the things I discover here as I make my Grand New Adventure. Some will be cultural differences. Some will be food differences and some will just be new things to my family and myself. So buckle up and enjoy the ride!