Sunday, March 24, 2013

Masks and Adventures

The Sun is shining

As I sit here, waiting to begin my day and with the house so quiet, I am reflecting on what has gone on this month and what still lies ahead. It has definitely been a busy month as far as emotional turmoil goes. If you’ve read any of my blog then you are right there with me. You have weathered the ups and mostly downs that I have been going through and I thank you dearly.

One of the things that I’m often questioned on is this: why do you air everything out on a public forum where anyone can read it.

Here is the answer: I don’t have much of a filter. I don’t feel that most people need one but we choose to put on up. No, this is not in regards to personal intestinal disorders that should not be brought up in polite conversation. I know how to make chit chat and keep things on an impersonal level. It is more about transparency, for me at least.

For years and years I wore masks. There was my happy mask. Then there was my “all is well in my world mask” and finally there is the one that most of us secretly hate: I LOVE MY LIFE mask. You know the one…the one where every status update is about how great life is, how fantastic the marriage and kids are and how you are lovin’ life.

I’m not saying that there are not those people in the world to whom this is not a perfect fit. But that is 1%. Most people are raw and gritty at times. They have days when everything they touch goes to pot. Where they are hurt, mad, sad and sometimes delusional and yet still want to be positive.

Sometimes it is about being positive and forcing their life to change for the better. I’ve done it. It’s called “Fake it ‘Till You Make It” and it does work most of the time. You are only as happy as you feel, so if you are feeling down…pretend that you are happy and soon you will BE happy.

I love hearing success stories. I do but it is the failures and the diversity that means more to me. It tells me that I am not alone. That my failures and my trials are not isolated events that seem to happen only to me.

There was a study done a few years ago that studied people and social media. The study found that the individuals who posted the “Everything is fantastic” posts ALL of the time…yes you guessed it, were the least happy and satisfied. They had a tendency to internalize their problems and did not want the world to see them.

I only partially believe that because the flip side of that coin would be that people who only post negative things are the most happy inside. Eh…I’m calling bullshit on that one. Some people love wallowing in misery. That’s a fact of life Jack! (Thank you Si Robertson for the “Jack” streak that I have recently been on. You can tell that I’m missing my Arkansan roots when I watch Duck Dynasty constantly because it reminds me of family and friends.)

Back on topic before I lose my train of thought and start rambling. There have been times in my life where I felt like Job. Times when anything, and everything, that could go wrong was actually going straight to Hell in a hand basket. Everyone has those times. Some choose to wear a mask to hide their troubles. That works for a bit before it gets shoved into a dark place inside and it ferments. Worry, doubt, apprehension, jealousy and anger get their feet in the door and take up residence.

Transparency eliminates that. There is no room for anything to hide. Yes…it sets you up for others to see all of your fears and weaknesses but for those looking closely enough, it shows them that you have strength, courage and the fortitude to get through anything.

A sword, if it is not tempered forged, reheated, folded and hammered, breaks upon first impact. That is how to be in life. Let your trials temper you and make you stronger.

My troubles this month have been pretty harsh but today is a brand new day. I’m not afraid of my surgery Thursday any longer. I can choose to let it break me but where is the fun in that? I’m finally starting to look at the positives that can come about from it.

My relationship with my husband: I know who I am and ultimately that is all that matters. It is no longer a matter of what I will put up with and instead has become a matter of what I deserve. If I want happiness then I work on myself. I cannot change the past. I cannot dwell on it any longer. Dave knows his mistakes and I truly do believe he regrets them. Will we be perfect? Nah but where is the fun in that?

And finally I have decided that if there are people in my life that do not support me, do not respect me, do not like me or simply cannot take the time of day to see how I am doing once in a while…they do not get to be a part of my life. It really is that simple. There are two people in this world that I have an eternal obligation too and they are my daughters. No one else has a secure spot. There are a few that have tenured positions but that’s because they take the time to ask how I feel. It is a mutual exchange of information rather than me mentioning something and then it becoming all about them. I don’t have time for that nonsense. If you like hearing yourself talk…then go to the mirror. If you want to have a conversation…then I’m with you every step of the way. If there is one thing about me that I treasure it is that I am extremely loyal to my friends and family. They may piss me off at times but there will never be a time that I am not willing to go to bat for them. I may get mad at them, and them at me, but in the end we love each other and we get over it.

I guess life really is that simple. It all comes down to getting over it and on to the next great, exciting adventure. A new adventure starts for me this week. It is a new chapter in my life and I think it will be okay.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Tao of Té – Moving Forward

Tao of Té – Moving Forward


It is exactly one week and some odd hours until my complete hysterectomy. Just typing those words is an ordeal because of all the things that are associated with it. Ever had a cancer scare? It sucks. Your mind acknowledges that the surgery is a medical necessity but you try to shove it to the back of the brain and just laugh it off.

But it is more than that.

I’ve had advice from a few women that had a hysterectomy early. The best advice comes from a long time family friend. She told me not to worry about Hormone Replacement Therapy, to not listen to others when they talk about the weight gain and that things will get better. My brain believes her but part of me is scared.

I’ve never had a major surgery before. I don’t consider my C-sections to be major because I was giving life to another human being and it was so matter of fact. But this time I will be going fully under and several major organs removed. There are many things that can go wrong and let me tell you…I’ve thought about every single one of them. I cannot help it. I’m a prepper by nature.  I am a very detailed planner. I take lots of notes on a daily basis and I have Anxiety and OCD out the whazoo. And it is my whazoo that I’m worried about.

This whole thing has ruptured my sense of peace and balance. The last few weeks have literally been hell on Earth for me with my relationship to Dave and now my health. How could my body betray me like this? Why have I not paid attention to the warning signs for years?

All these thoughts and more run through my mind. This is a loss of what makes me…well…ME. Without my female organs I am easily re-creatable.  Men make the transition to being female each and every day, the only exception in that gender swap is that doctors cannot give them ovaries and a uterus. But mine are being taken. So where does that leave me?

Okay I do have breasts but even those are starting to let me down. Ha! See I can still make fun of my age and sagging body.

I keep hearing these phrases: Life gets better. You will be a whole new woman. I felt fabulous afterwards and felt like a brand new woman.

I’m not at that stage yet. And barring one person, and that is the woman that I’ve known forever, everyone else saying that has kinda pissed me off. Most of the people who have mentioned it to me have not gone through it. They are just thinking how great it would be to not have cramps, a period each month or cysts. The other person who has said it to me has also not even once called me to talk to me about how I feel about this whole thing. She is the type of person that always twists EVERY SINGLE CONVERSATION back to her. Oh whoa is her! She has this. She has that. She has suffered this. She has suffered that.

Wait…never mind. I don’t want to talk to her. And for the record she is not someone I consider family. Family calls you on your birthday. They send cards. They acknowledge you and are concerned for your welfare. This woman knows I am going to have to have surgery and STILL has not bothered to say one word to me regarding it. LAST BRIDGE BURNT! I LOVE my family and friends. I know that each and every one of them would be there holding my hand next Thursday if they could.

So here I sit, waiting for the next round of tests. Waiting for more doctors to weigh in on this life changing decision and I read constantly what others have written. It is a double edged sword.

And I am scared out of my mind. I have not slept well since Monday. I have not been hugged or told that everything is going to be okay. I have not been told, “Hey you will pull through it like a champ and you’ll laugh later about how nervous you are.”


So besides losing my inner peace, tranquility and ever lovin’ mind, I’m losing a piece of myself. And I have to find a way to get over that. I have to make it all click in my mind before it becomes “okay” to me. I may cry. I may get angry and I may lash out at people but just bear with me for a while. I’ll get back to being me. I’ll eventually reach that stage where I understand emotionally, mentally and psychologically that internal organs do not make you who you are. Until then I will just get through each day.

I will stay busy and get myself and my family prepared for the weeks to come. I’ll clean, go to doctor visits, have blood work done and I’ll bake. I’ll talk my friend’s ears off and rattle on about everything BUT how I am feeling. Because that is how I deal with things externally until I deal with them internally.

At least writing this down has helped me. I’ll get through this journey and I’ll be able to understand what makes it so hard on some and so easy for others.


So to my friends and family: just ride it out with me. I’m going to be a mess for a while but I’ll bounce back and be chipper again. I will but it will take time. The C word messes with your mind and psyche but it will not defeat me.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Tao of Té Part 4 - Life Continuing

The Tao of Té Part 4

So my house is quiet right now with Kennedy off at church and Maesin…well Maesin doing what Maesin does…and Dave is off in Atlanta for the next week.

My last post was hard because it was raw, deep, dark and very jagged. But it was cathartic to finally put it all out there in the open. I did not want to post ambiguous messages about what I was going through just to have people wonder what was going on in my life. I tend to be very open about every aspect of my life. It is just me. Some would say that I put my life on display and that some matters should be kept private. It just is not how I am. I used to be that way but it caused great inner turmoil. This way if I am upset with someone, they know it and cannot act shocked. Or in this case, they understand why I may not be acting quite like myself.

So nearly a week has passed and while my relationship is not 100%, it definitely is better. The underlying issue still causes me pain and I vowed to myself to let it remain in the past, but I did not. I reread the emails and such which, of course, opened the wound again.

But the funny thing is that the wound did not hurt nearly as much as it did a week ago. That tells me it will eventually heal and scar over. It will never go away but it will forever be a reminder that I am stronger than I ever thought I was. I can love deeper and with more emotional connection than I ever was able to do so before.

That scar, and really any scar, should never be concealed. Scars remind us of things we survived in the past. I have a huge scar running down my stomach that I am the most proud of and treasure greatly. While it is not an emotional scar, as mentioned above, it is a physical scar that came to me through the birth of both my daughters. Motherhood is trying at the best of times, and frustrating at the worst, but it is something I love about my life.

Allow me to return to the topic on hand. Dave did indeed read the blog. I am quite sure he thought he would be walking into a home that evening that was completely broken and see me throwing my things into boxes.

I had cried bitterly that day. I cried enough that my ribs hurt and every breath came grudgingly. Then I hit the next stage: anger. I was incredibly angry at him and at one point it was probably a REALLY good thing he was at work because I may have hurt the boy. I was angry over what he had put me through emotionally and mentally for more than two years.

But I was even angrier at myself.

You see, I ALLOWED those things to happen. I did not value myself enough to step back, observe the situation distantly and then react. Instead I reacted, overreacted and was never at peace with anything or anyone. I was not able to see that I had no control over what Dave did in our relationship.

I can only control one person and that is me. Each action I make has a consequence: both good and bad. Each morning I have the ability to determine the outcome of my day. I cannot control someone else. If they want to be angry with me…then so be it. I can, however, control myself. Another person’s anger, jealousy, bitterness etc is not a reflection of me. IT IS A REFLECTION OF THEM.

Sounds pretty easy doesn’t it? Well it has taken a lot of time, meditation and distancing myself to be able to do that.

I will not always be successful with that endeavor each and every time. There will be times when my anger, pettiness or jealousy gets the better of me and I react in a negative fashion. I will then, hopefully, pause and reflect on what influenced me, internally, to do whatever it is I’m sure I will do.

I’m not a perfect being. I do not know of anyone that is anywhere close. But that is the beauty of life. We all have perfect moments. Moments where it all comes together and the universe sings in harmony and we suddenly have that glimpse into what true peace and love can actually become.


Now I’m not a hippy. I’m not one of those touchy feely gurus. I just have a lot of scars built up over time that I can reflect on and hopefully learn from.

As for my marriage and relationship: it is one day at a time. Dave made real progress this week in dealing with some of the huge surface issues. The deeper issues are his alone to work through. He made it very clear that he would do anything to repair the break and help mend our relationship. I believe him because I choose to believe him.

Not once did I ever tell him, “It’s okay.” And if you ever find yourself hurt by another, you should never, NEVER say it. Telling another person that hurt you that “it’s okay” is telling them that it is okay to hurt you. It does not mean that your forgive them and are moving on. So if someone hurts you, tell them, “I forgive you” or “I accept your apology.”

This week I want to stop hurting myself. I want to stop rereading those horrid emails that make my heart seize up and my emotions tremble. I may not be successful but it is just a work in progress.

Grief takes time and never truly leaves us. The loss of my father taught me that and Dave’s betrayal taught me that as well. But grief can be a tool that we use to remember why we love someone enough that it hurts. If it doesn’t hurt then it is not love. That sounds horrible on the surface but think about it. If you did not truly love someone, you would not be hurt by their loss or their actions.


When we love someone we give them an intimate map of our soul. We also hand them the ability to hurt us beyond all comparison. I hope to hurt again in my life because it means that I have continued to love others and even when they are gone from this life, and into the next or simply are gone, I know my heart has been touched, scars have formed and memories have been made.

Monday, March 11, 2013

There is no Tao of Té Today

There is no Tao of Té Today


Life is never a straight line. It has many twists and turns. It has deviations and side roads. I suppose the best anyone could ever do would be to expect the unexpected. There isn’t a map. There aren’t directions and there is no Road Side Assistance. Each person has their own road to follow.

The last year has definitely been a difficult one for me in terms of physical, mental and emotional travails. There has been war and there has been peace. My father dying really impacted me in a way I never thought possible. But I learned to accept that I have no control over others and that only through my own actions, and reactions, could I learn valuable life lessons.

I trusted my husband to be with me every single step of the way. I felt that many times over the last three years that I was constantly failing him. I’d make an improvement and would never saw any positive feedback. I’d open up and talk with him about our relationship and never really received any true emotion in return.

He would get angry with me for the slightest things. I questioned him friendship with a woman from his past and his response was always to lash out at me. I was being judgmental. I was being jealous. There was nothing going on between them. They were just talking. He just needed someone to confide in and talk too since I had Kat.

One of his away trips from work was really a source of confrontation for us. I felt he was spending way, WAY too much time talking to this woman. He would barely talk to me yet would spend hours on the phone with her.

So I wanted to make peace. I travelled 10 hours to be with him over the weekend. When I arrived he was VERY distant. That night he would not even kiss me goodnight. No hug. No nothing. Just his turned back.

The next morning we talked before he went to work and he had a laundry list of the things I was doing wrong in our marriage. I was not being supportive. I did not bring in enough money. I was trolling for other men. I was this. I was that.

I was definitely devastated. Especially when he said, “I love you but I don’t know if I want to be married to you. I’ll have to think about it.”

Weeks went by and he never told me what he decided. In the meantime his “friend” sent some really vicious emails to me. Essentially saying things even I would not say, and that is saying quite a bit because I’m a very verbal person at times when crossed.

His response was to take up for her. I demanded he cease all forms of contact: email, calls, and to stick up for me. That is what a life partner, and one who supposedly loves you, does. They have your back no matter what.

He didn’t delete her from his Facebook…even when I begged and cried. His only response was to get angry with me and finally just delete his Facebook entirely. I was told to stop bringing it up and he was not going to discuss her ever again. I was not to discuss her and even if she emailed me again (which she did), he did NOT want to hear about it.

To say that it hurt was a great understatement. I was expected to just suck it up and ignore it. So for the sake of peace and to show him that I loved him…I did. Even at the cost of my soul and my very person. That inner turmoil really bled out of me in ways that I now understand. I lashed out quite a bit at others. I was torn inside and did not have enough perspective to know that there was something wrong. Peace was not mine. Meditation was lost to me.

Then I journeyed back to Arkansas. Dave threw an absolute fit citing money, time etc  etc. But I knew that this was probably the last time I would ever spend time with my dad, that I would never see him alive again.

I was right. And regardless of how much trouble it caused between Dave and I, I was glad I went back.

After Dad passed away, I gained an inner peace. I found inner balance. Things that once would send me into a chaos of anxiety no longer had their hold on me. I could walk away and gain perspective. I really truly felt loved and that I had a partner, once again, that loved me beyond anything. Things had truly changed between Dave and I the last 7 months.

Even the Sunday before last, I felt that we were truly in a rock steady marriage. He missed me while he was gone and I missed him.

The funny thing though is that I never felt TRULY loved. I never felt TRULY SAFE. Dave is not a person that expresses himself emotionally very often. He can type it occasionally but he can’t emote it. I had tried talking to him in the past about him showing me affection, making me feel desired and wanted and making me feel attractive. He would give me the: ya ya I’ll try speech. But it really would not manifest itself.

Dave didn’t seem to really SEE the person I had become. But I was still good inside because I knew who I was and ultimately that is the only thing that matters.

Until my world was shattered. I had gone through some old Facebook messages that were in my “Other” folder and discovered his friend, and the meth whore that had caused all the brouhaha back last May, had messaged me some old emails between her and Dave.

Reading them hurt. Reading him call her “my one true love” and signing “Love always” really tore me apart. I remained cool though. I called him and we talked and he said it was just a guilt thing over his past with her. Nothing more. I asked him, “Have you physically seen her since we have been married?” “Did you ever tell her again that you loved her?”

His answer, “No.”

Mmmm…something was rotten in Denmark and suddenly a lot of things were ticking in my mind.

So I picked him up from the airport and we didn’t really talk Wednesday night. I was tired. He was tired. But the next day he surprised me and actually initiated a conversation. I felt that we truly talked and bonded again. He told me he was very sorry and that he should have been telling ME those things all along. I was the one who had always been there for him and he did love me and was going to change.

Once again I asked him, “Is there anything else you want to get off your chest? Have you seen her since we have been in Oregon?”

“No” was his very firm answer. So I went on. He had a medical emergency Friday and I rushed to be by his side, frantic with worry that he was really ill. Luckily he recovered and we enjoyed a quiet Saturday together.

Until my mind started questioning some things he had said. He had given me his passwords freely earlier that week, which as startling because he had always refused before. He always gave the standard “If you trusted me then you wouldn’t need them. If you need to read my emails then there really isn’t any point in our relationship>” speeches.

I opened his email and read. Do you know that feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when you are so angry, hurt and shocked that you simply shake? I was shaking. I couldn’t breathe.

He had seen her since we had been married. They spent 12 hours together at one of her friend’s house and back at his hotel. That trip to Merced where he blamed me for everything…it happened on his way down.

So now I understood that it was guilt causing him to lash out. He NEEDED to make me the bad guy in order to justify his actions. He had not quit talking to her after she attacked me on Facebook. He had lied to me repeatedly.

So I woke him up. I walked in and said, “So you lied. You did see her. For 12 hours you sat there with her and you kept lying to me.”

He swears up and down that nothing happened. Then he got up and we talked again. I finally broke down and bawled like a baby and he tried to comfort me. He said he was sorry and that the reason he never told me, and lied to me, was because he did not think I would believe him when he said nothing happened.

Hey…isn’t your emotional affair enough? He had been having an emotional affair with her beginning two months after we married.

I hurt. I hurt so bad I could barely breathe. Then we went to bed. We had talked and talked and talked and I was simply numb. He swore up and down that he would do anything to prove how much he loved me and to prove how much I mattered. We discussed him not removing her from Facebook and he pulled the “It’s been so long ago I don’t remember if I ever talked to her again.”

So after he went to sleep I reactivated his Facebook. Another lie. He had contacted her and I finally read how they had laughed about me. How I made her want to puke because she was forced to pretend to be friendly to me. She did confirm that they had never touched or been physical. But that was simply because SHE did not want to start their relationship that way.

I also discovered that he had planned to divorce me as soon as the school year was over and he could kick me and “my kid” out.

I discovered that he was very mad, and she was too, over me coming to Merced to visit him. That he was just biding his time until it was over between us and he could move on in his life with her.

Now let me tell you a bit about this woman. I could give you her name and where she lives but I will not. I’m pretty sure that were Dave to read this blog…he would be upset because I aired his dirty laundry. But I don’t care. This is about my peace. He felt it was okay to tell his Mom and his mistress all of my personal secrets.

This woman had sabotaged Dave’s life 20 years ago. She was and is currently a meth addict who lives with her mother. She is constantly in trouble with the law. She has been with many, many men. She has trouble grasping the English language.

At one point in her attack on me she wrote, “Why don’t you fucking kill yourself but please make sure you carve my initials into your skin because I will be laughing the entire time.”

Wow…nice huh. I’m sure it is shocking for you to read but essentially it was one of the nicer things she said. I was called everything but a nice, white girl.

I spent the rest of Saturday night and Sunday morning in a daze. I couldn’t sleep. So I waited for Dave to wake up.

When I felt it was time, I walked in and told him I read his Facebook messages.

I cried a lot again. He didn’t cry but I could tell he was upset. Finally he was not upset AT me but upset over his actions and the pain he caused. I like to think that. I don’t know it for sure.

He never begged me to stay though and I needed him to tell me that. I needed to see him beg me the way I had begged him a year prior.

He told me that he was sorry and that he would prove to me just how much he loved me.

I was angry and am still upset today because of the emotional hell he put me through by constantly mind-fucking me. A year ago May he had me thinking I was a horrible wife that was self-centered and a gold digger when in reality it was all HIM! He was feeling guilty about his affair so he tried to justify it.

By the way…he never did tell me that he wanted to stay married to me back last year. He just forgot about it and moved on. He did start improving our communication. He did start being affectionate and loving. I never knew what brought on that change. I just appreciated it! He opened up to me and I thought it was because he finally saw how much I cared for him, loved him and all the great things I did for him on a daily basis.

I realize now it was because he had stopped contacting her once he saw how bag o’ cats crazy she was and how she was just as bad as his previous ex.

Maybe he saw that he had a woman in his life that was always there for him. That loved him and took care of him. That contributed any way she could to making his life easier. From housework, to job, to emotional support to even cutting his meat for him.

Maybe it was my unconditional love and acceptance for who he was? I don’t know.

If you’ve gotten this far in the blog…I thank you. It has helped writing it down. I took today off from a job that I completely love, more for my coworkers than the actual work itself, because I did not want my sadness to affect them. I like to be happy for them so I can see them laugh. They make me happy and glad to get up in the morning and go to work because I know that I am going to laugh.

So yesterday was “numb” day and today is “crying” day. I cry for myself and for being made to feel bad and accepting that. I cry because I did NOT deserve to be made to feel less than I was. I did not deserve to be the bearer of his guilt. I DESERVE peace, love and unconditional acceptance. I DESERVE a down on the knees groveling and admittance of being emotionally abused for months. To the point where I doubted my own sanity and didn’t want to go on in life.

I may never get that. But I will balance myself out. I will regain my inner peace and focus on today. I cannot change the past and I cannot worry about the future. I can control myself only. I can’t change Dave. He has to want to change himself but that takes introspection and being in touch with what motivates him in ever action and deed.

I don’t know what the future holds. Many would tell me to walk away. I do realize that all this took place almost a year ago. That we have changed tremendously since that time. Our relationship had gotten better and stronger. He has to understand that, even though for him it happened quite a while ago, it just happened to me 6 days ago. I have to grieve, be angry and then start to heal.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Something I wrote on Facebook a few months ago.

This note may be shocking for some but it is something that I have been pondering quite a lot in recent days and it is something that I need to get off my mind. My closest friends and family may know this about me but many of you will not. I don't know if many will even read this but here goes:
I have made really great strides in my life in recent months to gain peace in my life. I've learned many of what my triggers are in regards to confrontation, grief, anger and what my mind sometimes portrays as reality. I have to stop myself many times a day and truly think about what I perceive something to be because sometimes it is far different than what is reality.
Back in July/August I almost killed myself. That is hard to type and I imagine for my friends and family it is shocking to read. The first knee-jerk reaction is to think "What the heck?" or wonder why. I can't tell you why because I don't know. It is an alien concept to me now. But I do remember being locked into it then. I was depressed and my OCD/Anxiety kicked in to start a very viscious sleep deprivation cycle. If you have ever had a restless night's sleep and know how grumpy you were the next day...imagine going weeks without restful sleep. During a 3 week period I may have gotten 12 hours of sleep across those 3 weeks. Your mind becomes your very worst enemy and life becomes distorted.
I know the suicide is an EXTREMELY selfish thing. I know what it would have done to my parents, sisters, family and friends. But at the time I justified everything in my mind. I convinced myself that everyone would've been better off. That my daughters would have benefited more from my death than me being alive. As I sit here today I realize that is definitely not the case. It would have traumatized and ruined lives. I'm not saying that I'm that important or that the world would have been less of a place without me in it...well wait...yes I am saying that. I'm saying that because my family and friends would've never understood my selfish act. It would have hurt them. They would have blamed themselves even when others would have told them it wasn't their fault.
But my brain had convinced me that death was the answer. I don't know how it did it. I don't know why other than a long history of mental illness. I try to be upbeat and generally a regular gal but many people don't know that I've struggled with depression and anxiety my entire life. From cutting/self- mutiliation to extremely destructive behaviors that were always enhanced by alcohol. I'm not blaming alcohol, the environment or life's twists and turns. I blame myself.
I've been on medications plenty throughout the years but came off everything except my anxiety medication two years ago. It really hit me hard. To make things worse I didn't have insurance when all of these things came to a head. I struggled. Dave struggled with trying to understand and cope with someone who was completely out of touch.
Mental illness has a horrible stigma. I couldn't talk to anyone because I didn't want it thrown in my face later. I couldn't trust anyone with what I was thinking because I didn't want to burden them and if I couldn't make sense of could they? When you struggle with a mental illness the last thing you want is for someone to call you crazy. To think less of you. Maybe that is one of the problems. We worry too MUCH about what others think and don't place ourselves first when we need to be first the most.
I came very close to death several times during those weeks. My regular doctor did NOTHING to help me. I cried in his office and he brushed me aside. He was out of the door within 5 minutes. His nurse took more interest in my well being than he did. The fact is that regular doctors are not equipped to handle mental illness. And I know that I've tried more than 25 medications over my lifetime so it is hard to sometimes communicate this with a doctor who obviously wants you out of his office so he does not have to deal with it.
I'm not writing this to gain sympathy. I want YOU to understand. That laughing girl/guy who you enjoy so much may be struggling with some very deep issues and it can be tough. The people that you think are the most together...often are the ones falling apart. You only realize it AFTER something has happened.
I finally knocked myself into a well medicated sleep and took a lot of time to learn coping techniques. Now when someone says/writes something that upsets me...I stop and make myself wait. I really give myself time to react to what was said/written and then ask myself if they really meant it the way it came across or if I simply took it as something else. Words are tricky and sometimes a hostile, screaming person that is setting your temper off may just not know how to communicate what they are feeling at that moment. I try not to take anything personally unless that person tells me to take it personally.
I also have learned to avoid triggers to my anxiety. I know it will be a life long process but I've got the time so I might as well improve myself. I avoid too much alcohol because alcohol has lead to some of my worst life decisions. It wasn't alcohol's was mine for not knowing my own limits. I also learned to cut the negative people from my life. To cut the negative articles. The negative comments.
My battle with mental illness will never be over. It is something that I will struggle with every single moment of every single day. I do not know when my brain will become my own worst enemy. But I will no longer call myself "Crazy" and I will not allow anyone else to call me that either. I think that this world needs understanding and that we have to stop the stigma of mental illness if we are ever going to make progress towards a better human race.
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