Sunday, October 20, 2013

Goals and Your End Game



The other day I met a very lovely lady on the plane ride from Atlanta to Portland. Before getting into our conversation let me preface it by stating that typically I ignore my traveling companions unless I already know them. I'm not a plane, train, bus or tram chatter. I am just that way. But for some reason I decided to ask about her line of work.


You see the woman beside me was an airline attendant and was on her way to Portland, her home based city, after two exhausting trips to Tokyo for her work shift. The only reason I even knew that was because the working attendant had made a passing comment regarding the lady.


I started with the casual conversation starter of, "How long have you been an attendant?"

"40 years," she replied, "And I feel every single one of them." She laughed and I laughed because while she was laughing about the length of time that had flown by, I was laughing about Holy Crap! There is no way in Hell I could last even a month.

We talked about her favorite runs. She loves the Asian stops and hates the UAE. But the conversations became deeper. I asked her why she had chosen that particular line of work and one thing led to another and her statement was, "You have to keep your eyes on your goal."


That really spoke to me because lately my eyes have become focused on my long term goal once again. I had forgotten what my End Game was going to be and what I hoped it to be. I am certainly not condeming myself for losing sight but I am a bit perturbed regarding this lack of sight. I am tired of floating through day to day. I do understand that I'm limited in what I do and how fast I do it. That was very evident by my trip home.


The trips back East to my childhood home were hellish. It took me at least two days to recover the going to Arkansas and it will probably take three now to recover on the return flight. I'm not going to gripe much because the pain was worth the reward of getting to spend times with some very near and dear friends as well as beloved family members. I just wish I had more time. But it always comes down to that. Time.


Is Time on my side with my goals? Am I clear on my goals? The older lady sitting next to me was very wise. She talked to me of being given what I can handle and how I should go about handling it. We both agreed on the Buddhist Philosophy and we both agreed in how unfair it was that two women, or two men, could not marry when it is everyone else can. Every single one of you knows my take on homosexuality and the need for equal rights. It isn't about religion. It is about laws and defending rights.


As I sat there waiting to de-board I really reflected on that conversation. How many of you have lost sight of your End Game and your ultimate goal? If you have then don't sweat it but do get back on track. If you haven't then get busy on the rungs of the ladder that will lead you to that goal. I know I have. Lately I have been extremely devoted to finishing my novella. It may not be published. Many of you may not like it but it is something that I must do.


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