Thursday, January 30, 2014

Tao of Té - 38 Ideas - Installment 2

Tao of Té - 38 Things Installment 2


I'm back my honey bears with 10 more ideas I have learned over the past 38 years. Yesterday was a phooey kind of day but I bounced back. Now something I want to clarify is that these are my ideas. They might not be even remotely on your list but I do recommend making a list. In fact I'm a huge fan of any list. I have notebooks filled with lists for every single occasion I can possibly make a list for. So without further ado…here are ten more wistful observations.


11) Change is a part of life. Roll with the punches

                Man life can be a gigantic dick. It can screw you over big time. Change is something that comes though and it is one of the hardest things I have ever learned to cope with. I'm a "box" kinda gal. I put people into rigid roles because I like order. And I used to have a very hard time changing those parameters. It has caused me great distress in the past. Don't let it be a burden to you. Be flexible and embrace change.


12) Like attracts Like

                You only get out of life what you put into it. You want happy people around you…then be happy. Pretty simple. Now all people get down sometimes and that is okay. Cry, wail and gnash your teeth. You deserve every emotion you want to have. My only exception would be hate. Hate is a worthless emotion and you, and myself, are better than that.


13) Love with reservations.

                The heart is amazing in its ability to love. As long as you keep loving, it keep growing. You'll get hurt. You will hurt someone else. But take it on the chin and don’t make the rest of humanity pay for a momentary mistake. I promise that you will love again. I don't know when. I'm not really adept at predicting the future. I just know that love can be found in the most unlikely of places and it doesn't have to be romantic. So keep that heart open. Pain will happen regardless. Love makes it worth it.


14) Find your theme song for life

                I have this incredible connection to music that came from my parents. I often remember memories based on songs. Find your theme song and change that playlist often. Music is the melody to which our soul dances.

15) It is OK to not know the answers.

                I'm turning 38 and while I have accumulated a wealth of information in my life, I often say "I don't know." You can bullshit an answer left and right. You may get it right. But if you don’t know the answer it is okay to admit it. And this applies to the direction of your life as well. So what if you don't have a 5 or 10 year plan. Let it come when it comes.


16) Say what you mean.

                Games come in boxes. Leave them there. Don't say "Yes" to something that you intensely want to say, "No" to. I've done it so many times in my life. I caved and did something I didn't want to do. I would rather someone tell me a firm "No" then a hedged "maybe" or a lie of "Yes" it just doesn't do the soul justice. People aren't mind readers regardless of what someone claims. I don't get implied meanings or statements. If you tell me everything is alright then I take it as that after I've asked 3 times. After the 3 times you forgo any right to bitch later.


17) Disliking or Hating Another

                Just don't. Even if it is an Ex that has done you horribly wrong. Anger is like throwing a hot stone. You get burned first. You disliking someone, or even hating them, accomplishes absolutely nothing. Even pretending to concentrate really hard to explode their minds does nothing but make you feel a tiny bit vindicated. Hating someone is a waste of time and productivity. Now don't get me wrong. If a certain person popped back in my life and said something to me….it would be on but that's because she is the epitome of evil. See…I almost wrecked myself. My saying that did nothing to her. It doesn't faze anyone to hate them.


18) Your friends are a reflection of yourself

                This is one of those "like attracts like" things but I wanted to make it again. If I am a reflection of my friends…I'm pretty fucking lucky and I'm pretty damn talented, smart and beautiful. From my most recent friends to my oldest friends. Through my friends I am invincible.


19) Cultivate your relationships

                You only get as much out of a relationship as you put into it. This applies to your romantic partner as well as your friends. Lately I haven't been such a great cultivator because I'm a self-absorbed asshole and I've just been in a funk. Luckily I have fantastic friends that understand and just let me alone. I do try to keep them in my thoughts and have a list to start checking off starting with checking in and seeing how everyone else is doing. The point is that you have to work at friendships and relationships constantly. It is your garden of life. Now don't be a hoe! Ha!


20) Anger towards a friend or loved one

                You have to options here: tell them or get over it. It is that simple. If your friend/loved one pisses you off enough that you think you need to air it out in order to get over it…then air it out. Don't make some passive aggressive bullshit post that leaves everyone wondering and asking what is going on. You can employ tagging. You can employ text messaging . You can do a face to face over coffee or you can call. My sister and I used to do this famously. We would bottle up every bitchy thing until it finally exploded into this mess that nothing got resolved. Then we would be pissed at each other for weeks, or even months. It even got as bad as not talking to each other for a long time and then only civilly. I don't do this anymore because it is pointless. If I find myself mad at a person constantly then I need to reevaluate their position in my life. I'm not saying go through and toss everyone that makes you mad. I am saying that you don't need to be a pansy and just sit back and let it stack up. Say something. BUT…say it diplomatically for those that have a temper. I know I can tell my best friend anything. Now she has a hellacious temper but if I explain myself she usually only gets mad at me for a few hours vs days/weeks. I'm the same way. If I piss you off then simply tell me. It might simply be a miscommunication.


So there you go. 10 additional ideas to keep in mind. Stay tuned for our next thrilling installment tomorrow!

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